Namazake on TAP
What is KEG DRAFT?
「With the concept of keeping the taste of the maker as it is, we will deliver the freshly squeezed taste to the world as it is with quality first
How to install KEG DRAFT to your store?
By installing Keg Draft Sake, you can provide freshly pressed sake by the glass at any time.
If you are considering introducing this system, please refer here.
KEG DRAFT store map
Keg draft sake is being introduced in restaurants not only in Japan but all over the world.
For the latest information on places where you can drink keg draft sake, please check the map.
Manufacturers considering introducing KEG DRAFT
KEG DRAFT SAKE is currently working with many manufacturers to commercialize freshly pressed sake, with the goal of creating new value.
If you are interested in incorporating this technology into your own products, please contact us here.
KEG DRAFT Implementation Officer: